Joseph Atchison ジョセフ・アチソン先生

Joseph Atchison
ジョセフ・アチソン 先生

QWhere are you from?

I am from the state of Virginia on the east coast of the United States. Virginia has many beautiful mountains and rivers like Gifu.


QWhat is your background?

I studied music and education in America. I have performed jazz music in three countries and seven American States. I have performed at Walt Disney World and Epcot Center in Orlando, Florida and Niagara Falls in Ontario, Canada. I have nearly twenty years of teaching experience in Japan and the United States teaching preschool, art, music, and English. I have a year of experience teaching children with special needs.

アメリカで音楽と教育を学びました。フロリダ州オーランドのウォルト・ディズニー・ワールドとエプコット・センター、カナダのオンタリオ州のナイアガラ・フォールズを含む、アメリカ3か国7州でジャズ音楽を演奏してきました。日本と米国で幼稚園、美術、音楽、英語を教えて 20 年近くの指導経験があります。特別支援が必要な生徒を1年程教えた経験があります。

QWhat are your hobbies?

I enjoy hiking, reading, making paper crafts, and writing short stories.


QWhat is your favorite Japanese food?

I love sushi and shabu shabu.


QHow long have you been working at Yamate English School?

 I have been a part of this school for nine years.


QWhat is your goal or mission as a teacher?

I want my students to be able to communicate with an English speaker with confidence. I want them to have the confidence and ability to express themselves and to express the world around them in English.


QWhat is your favorite event of the year?

I enjoy Halloween the best. In particular, the Halloween party and all the awesome costumes the children wear. It’s fun to let them experience a fun and spooky part of American culture.
