Beatrice Mary Rose Dunlevy ビートリス メーリ ローズ ダンレヴィ先生

Beatrice Mary Rose Dunlevy
ビートリス メーリ ローズ
ダンレヴィ 先生

QWhere are you from?

I am from Perth in Western Australia.


QWhat is your background?

I studied at Edith Cowan University from 2009 until 2012 for a Bachelor of Arts (humanities) and graduated with a double major in Japanese and English. From 2021 until 2024, I studied at Deakin University for a Masters in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. (TESOL)

009年から2012年までイーディス・コーワン大学で文学士号(人文科学)を取得し、日本語と英語の二重専攻で卒業しました。 2021年から2024年まで、ディーキン大学で他言語話者への英語教育の修士号を取得しました。(TESOL)

QWhat is your goal and mission as a teacher?

My goal and mission as a teacher are to help students develop their English language abilities in a safe and nurturing environment while simultaneously allowing them to express themselves and grow as human beings.


QHow long have you been working at Yamate English School?

I have been working at Yamate English School since July 2023.


QWhat do you enjoy most about teaching?

To see a student’s eyes light up when they realize that they can do it is what I enjoy most about teaching.


QWhat do you like most about Japan?

The kind and friendly people of course!


QIf you have a long holiday, where would you like to go?

I would like to go to Indonesia one day.


QSweet or Savory?

Sweet, I love chocolates!
